Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Phero-Mans Portfolio Spreads

This is a bunch of work I did while working on the short Phero-Mans.


Just a sketch I did of a classmate of mine. She's got tons of swagger.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Isabelle- J. Lee Milliren Tribute

This character is Isabelle by J. Lee Milliren. I love her design for this character, so I made fan art!

Totally Original Characters

I think I'll make it big with these designs.

Pheromans Expressions

Playing around with fun expressions of the Nerd and his girlfriend.

Nerd Street Fighter!

Ultra Combo Finish!


Emily Olmstead designed a monk for a project she was working on and I love her art and the entire project. For fun I decided to make some sweet "fan art" of her character.

Katara Redesign

I recently watched a video where one of the creators of Avatar: The Last Airbender shows us how to draw Katara from the show. I was pretty underwhelmed sadly, so I go "I bet I can do better!" After 3 failed attempts, I said screw it and just did my thing. I wouldn't call them better but they are different!